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What is a Stereotype?

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Stereotypes are a widely believed idea or image people have that is put onto a person or a group of people. This is most common between ethnic groups, Asians are bad at driving, Mexicans are all illegals,White people are all racist, the list goes on. All stereotypes are generalizations, but all generalizations are not stereotypes. The main difference that separates the two is that a generalization may only be thought of by a few people but a stereotype is widely known.

The truth of stereotypes is that they are virtually never true. This is due to how some people stereotype a whole race but in reality, that one race can be split down into more ethnic groups (ex. Asian's can be broken down into Japanese people) that are completely different from each other. Even when you stereotype into those smaller ethnic groups, it is still not true, this is because no two people are completely the same, connecting stereotypes to skills and traits can never be true since people learn differently and inherit different things.

In conclusion, stereotypes are always harmful, and before you stereotype someone you should think about people you know of the same race, do they act the same? Most of the time the answer is no,so it would be wrong to judge the whole population off one incident.


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